Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » ONE OF OUR OWN

    Filed at 6:09 am under by dcobranchi

    The Cherry Hill (NJ) Courier-Post has a somewhat strange article in follow-up to the starvation abuse case. It’s all about homeschooling in NJ. Or, more specifically, it’s about the lack of “oversight” NJ homeschoolers have compared to those two gems, NY and PA. The article never comes out in favor of more regs but it’s certainly implied. Interestingly, way down at the bottom, we find a quote from a co-founder of the NJ Homeschool Association:

    “We feel very fortunate in New Jersey that we have more freedom in how we educate our kids,” said Timothy Haas, an Audubon resident.

    Yes, that Tim Haas. Cool.

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