Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » IDAHO: DETAILS, PLEASE?

    Filed at 8:03 am under by dcobranchi

    An Idaho semi-alert:

    Boise — The state may increase its involvement in the education that the six-thousand Idaho home schoolers are receiving on their home turf.

    The Senate Education Committee has passed a measure to crack down on parents who provide no such education to their children.

    But attorney Barry Peterson, representing home-schooling groups, says the bill now headed to the full Senate could put the state’s legitimate home-schooling parents at risk.

    Lewiston Senator Joe Stegner’s bill would allow authorities to go after parents who make no effort to educate their children. School and law enforcement officials say they lack those tools.

    Home schooling advocates say they’ll contact legislators to convince them to reject the bill.

    I’ll try to track this down.

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