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  • More Platform Tomfoolery

    Filed at 7:51 pm under by dcobranchi

    More telling statements from the Democratic platform on education:

    Parents are our children’s first and most important teachers, and they have a responsibility to participate in their children’s education. We will help them do so by offering information and resources to better teach their children, whether reminding them about homework or attending a parent-teacher conference.

    Does this mean John Kerry will personally call every parent to remind them about their child’s homework or an upcoming parent-teacher conference? “Hi, I’m John Kerry, and I approved this math assignment.”

    And incidentally, it’s a good thing the platform says parents are their child’s “first and most important” teachers. I heard the NEA objected that parents weren’t certified to teach . . .

    One Response to “More Platform Tomfoolery”

    Comment by
    Lawrence Jones
    August 3rd, 2004
    at 4:42 pm

    They did.

    They feel that we are “unqualified” since we teach our kids in the old ways mostly, not the new fashionable ones that brought ADHD, dyslexia and a host of other ills.

    Granted, I am unqualified to teach the joys of fisting, the merits of flavoured condoms, how to be a robot that swallows everything that seen or read on TV or in the media, or even the best way to hide an abortion from your parents, but we do ok.

    We, of course, also raise our kids to think for themselves and actually learn from history. We are creating the future challenges to their Brave New World.

    It really seems to bother them that we can spend one tenth of the classroom time they do and our kids end up 2 to 4 years ahead on THEIR tests. Really ticks them off that to actually invalidate your homeschooling on a performance level they have to invalidate their own testing methods and by extention the whole educational establishment.