Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » 99 TO GO
  • 99 TO GO

    Filed at 7:22 am under by dcobranchi

    Kim at Relaxed Homeschooling waxes politic this morning. It’s pretty funny. Oh, she harbors a not-so-secret fantasy of recording 100 hits in a day. Help her out, ok?

    8 Responses to “99 TO GO”

    Comment by
    July 28th, 2004
    at 2:36 pm

    Want to share your average hits? 😉

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    July 28th, 2004
    at 3:30 pm

    Blogads reports serving up the ad above 2925 times in the last seven days.

    Comment by
    July 28th, 2004
    at 3:32 pm


    Comment by
    Tim Haas
    July 28th, 2004
    at 6:27 pm

    And when I’m on the PC, I use Firefox with AdBlocker, so it doesn’t even get served up — and if you’re undercounting me, you’re missing a lot! (You do get me when I’m on the Mac, though, as at this moment.)

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    July 28th, 2004
    at 6:51 pm

    I don’t know. I guess it would depend how Mozilla works. Does the blocking occur as the data are received at your end or is the html request itself blocked? Where’s a geek when you need one?

    Comment by
    Tim Haas
    July 28th, 2004
    at 8:07 pm

    There are two options, “hide” and “remove”. Hide allows the ad content to be downloaded but simply displays white space where the ad should be. Remove, which is what I have it set for, keeps the content from downloading and renders the page without spaces. As far as I can tell, this should mean no hit on the BlogAds server. Chris?

    Comment by
    July 28th, 2004
    at 8:51 pm

    I keep almost everything blocked under Internet for security. I added your site to Trusted Sites yesterday, and noticed that I now get the Blogads. I don’t know if I was undercounted or not. If so, like Tim said, you missed a lot. 😉

    Comment by
    July 28th, 2004
    at 9:36 pm

    Ad blockers usually work by keeping a list of known ad servers and telling the browser the the IP address for those servers is – which is always your local machine. Firefox will look for the ad locally – and obviously not find it. The ad is never requested from the real server.That sounds like remove.

    Since hide is rendering white space, I think it must be fetching the ad in order to know what size it is to render the page properly.