Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » NEA and Fear
  • NEA and Fear

    Filed at 12:27 pm under by dcobranchi

    Phyllis Schlafly reports on the NEA convention.

    The NEA opposes all varieties of school choice, tuition tax credits,
    vouchers, parental option or “choice” in education programs,
    designating English as our official language, and any possible action
    that might impinge on the secularists’ notion of “separation of church
    and state.”

    The most controversial vote at the NEA convention turned out to
    concern one word in the anti-homeschool resolution. B-69 as
    introduced read: “The Association also believes that unfunded
    home-schooled students should not participate in any extracurricular
    activities in the public schools.”

    The word “unfunded” precipitated a lively debate. Some schools
    provide funding for homeschoolers to participate in after-school
    activities such as sports. The amendment to remove the word
    “unfunded” was designed to put the NEA on record as opposed to
    letting homeschoolers darken the door of public school grounds
    regardless of whether or not there is money to finance their

    In the end, the majority of delegates voted to delete “unfunded.”
    Whether or not homeschoolers’ participation in public school
    activities is funded, the NEA does not want them in any way to
    compete with students who are “with us all day.”

    The NEA thus made its animosity against homeschoolers loud and
    clear. The only thing this powerful and wealthy union fears is

    Why are we to be feared?

    UPDATE: Editorial changes in html formatting by DC.

    12 Responses to “NEA and Fear”

    Comment by
    Tim Haas
    July 28th, 2004
    at 3:25 pm

    Same debate and same outcome as at last year’s NEA convention:


    How’d it get on the agenda again?

    Comment by
    July 28th, 2004
    at 4:42 pm

    Who knows? We’re talking about the NEA. 😉

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    July 28th, 2004
    at 4:50 pm

    I don’t think it did. “Unfunded” was deleted last year.

    Comment by
    Chris L
    July 28th, 2004
    at 5:43 pm


    What else is new ?

    What else ya got ?

    Comment by
    Chris L
    July 28th, 2004
    at 5:43 pm


    What else is new ?

    What else ya got ?

    Comment by
    Tim Haas
    July 28th, 2004
    at 6:25 pm

    But look — Deb’s post is from Schlafly’s 2004 NEA report, which talks about “unfunded” getting voted out:


    Here’s the text from her 2003 report, which I linked to above — same issue, same outcome:

    The NEA’s pettiness and vindictiveness against homeschoolers was manifested by the contentious debate on Resolution B-69 which originally read: “The Association also believes that unfunded home- schooled students should not participate in any extracurricular activities in the public schools.”

    The word “unfunded” got into the proposed resolution because a handful of public schools provide funding for homeschoolers to participate in after-school activities. NEA delegates voted to delete the word “unfunded” because they oppose allowing homeschoolers, funded or unfunded, to associate with public school students who are “with us all day.”

    Did they really have the same discussion two years in a row, or did Schlafly goof up?

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    July 28th, 2004
    at 6:31 pm

    Earlier this week I sent her an email pointing out the confusion. No word back. I’m betting she just screwed up.

    Comment by
    Tim Haas
    July 28th, 2004
    at 6:36 pm

    One of the homeschooling task force members is the president of the Jersey chapter of Eagle Forum. I’ll see if she can get an answer.

    Comment by
    July 28th, 2004
    at 8:42 pm

    Chris, quit your picking. 😉

    Before I posted, I double-checked the date twice to make sure it was correct. We’re talking about the NEA and I thought that they had rehashed it again.

    Comment by
    July 28th, 2004
    at 9:25 pm

    Lest anybody get confused…the Chris in question is not me! I would never question a negative article on the NEA 🙂

    Comment by
    July 28th, 2004
    at 9:34 pm

    Laughing. That was great!

    Comment by
    Eric Holcombe
    July 29th, 2004
    at 12:09 pm

    They fear because the number of homeschooling students (at least as estimated by HSLDA) now closely matches the number of NEA members. Probably fair to say there’s one parent per homeschooled student (or at least .75). Most all of them vote. Do teachers fall through the cracks of the average 40% voter turnout? They can’t afford to any longer.