Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » A CRUMMY HEADLINE This

    Filed at 8:57 am under by dcobranchi

    A CRUMMY HEADLINE This is just poor newspapering: Successes spotty so far in classes for home-schooled Half way down the article we learn that some courses being offered to HSers haven’t generated much interest. What a shock!

    Five years ago, the mother of one of Sandra Strassel’s drawing students at Valley Art asked Strassel to start such a class. Strassel agreed if the mother would get at least six students to commit.

    Now the Forest Grove gallery offers daytime classes for children in drawing and pottery and occasionally in calligraphy or bookmaking.

    But the success of daytime classes for home-schoolers seems to be somewhat fluky.

    At the other end of the spectrum from Valley Art is Dawn Webster, a teacher at Act-1 School of Dance in Cedar Mill. She offered a daytime dance class last term after some girls in her daughter’s home-school Girl Scout troop asked for one.

    “But nobody came for it,” Webster said.

    Hint: Advertise!

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