Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » THAT DAMN FIRST AMENDMENT

    Filed at 8:46 pm under by dcobranchi

    It keeps getting in the way of those good folks in Congress:

    Sam Brownback wants to crack down on porn.

    The U.S. Senator from Kansas held a hearing on porn addiction Thursday in his role as chairman of the Commerce subcommittee on science, the Associated Press reports.

    “Internet pornography is corrupting children and hooking adults into an addiction that threatens their jobs and families, a panel of anti-porn advocates told a hearing organized Thursday by Senator Sam Brownback, chairman of the Commerce subcommittee on science.

    “Brownback, a Republican from Kansas and an outspoken Christian conservative who has championed efforts to curb indecency on television and the Internet, said the public is beginning to realize ‘they don’t just have to take it.’

    “But he acknowledged the First Amendment right to free speech has limited congressional efforts.”

    *&$#&$^ Founding Fathers!

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