Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » LETTER OF THE DAY

    Filed at 12:14 pm under by dcobranchi

    How did we get dragged into this?

    Editorial too strong on books

    Editor, The Citizen:

    I usually read your editorials with interest but I read the one on banning books with disgust.

    Do you know that you made a sweeping statement that “no books should be banned from schools”? You must know that books on Jesus or the Ten Commandants are banned. And don’t give me that separation of church and state because God and the Ten Commandants are not a religion.

    Many books are banned for good or bad reasons and any on dirty sex and four letter words should be banned.

    “When books are banned they will soon be burned”. My God what a statement!!! Have you heard of the burning of any books banned by American schools? If so, I hope they were the vulgar ones.

    “Do not ban an idea.”

    Great, let’s have freedom to express our sexual fantasies in public, freedom to home school our kids, freedom to use government funds for private schools, freedom to do what we want without regard for others. To some people those are good ideas.

    I think you know that we should guide our children into the right paths as they grow in this mixed-up world we live in. You just got carried away with freedom of the press.

    Russell Buker


    So, somehow vouchers and homeschooling are akin to exhibitionism? Hmmm. Maybe Tim really was onto something.

    2 Responses to “LETTER OF THE DAY”

    Comment by
    December 21st, 2004
    at 1:36 pm

    “You must know that books on Jesus or the Ten Commandants are banned.”

    The Ten Commandants? Are they the ones who make sure you render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s?

    Comment by
    Roy W. Wright
    December 22nd, 2004
    at 11:34 am

    Great, let’s have… freedom to do what we want without regard for others.

    Sounds good to me.