Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » THAT DIDN’T TAKE LONG

    Filed at 7:13 am under by dcobranchi

    The next Harry Potter book was just announced with a July publishing date. BN.com is already taking pre-orders.

    4 Responses to “THAT DIDN’T TAKE LONG”

    Comment by
    December 22nd, 2004
    at 8:48 am

    My son read the last Harry Potter book in 24 hours, so I should be able to start reading on 7/17.

    I’m not sure I get the point of advance orders – it’s not like it’ll be difficult to find the book on 7/16. They will probably be selling it at gas stations.

    Comment by
    Tim Haas
    December 22nd, 2004
    at 9:26 am

    Pity my poor sons, who must wait at least a week longer than everyone else. We first heard of Harry Potter quite early and ordered the first two books from the U.K. before they were available in the States. Of course, we’ve had to keep importing them or the set won’t match (the trim size and graphic design are quite different); plus, we don’t have to put up with the silliness of English children using American words for things like “torch” (flashlight).

    Comment by
    December 22nd, 2004
    at 1:39 pm

    There is an article in the Detroit Free Press this morning about how this is now the best selling book in America. Online booksellers have it at #1.

    Comment by
    December 22nd, 2004
    at 8:23 pm

    Preordered and waiting. 🙂 I’m thinking I should order two though, so there isn’t a big ugly fight between me and the kids over who gets to read it first. HA!