Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » ANOTHER ONE IN FLORIDA?

    Filed at 6:14 am under by dcobranchi

    This one is very confusing, but it appears that an abusive man talked his live-in girlfriend into home educating her son. Long story short– the woman end up beaten and taped to a bed, and her son was clubbed to death. Police are holding the man and his adopted son, though they haven’t been charged with the boy’s death.

    One Response to “ANOTHER ONE IN FLORIDA?”

    Comment by
    Kay Brooks
    February 16th, 2005
    at 9:44 am

    If I remember correctly the results of a study done quite some time ago, children are most at risk when the adults ‘caring’ for them are not their birth parents. While step-parents increased the risk the danger rose sharply when another adult was just ‘living’ with the birth parent. Since then I’ve seen that study’s truthfulness demonstrated over and over again. This is just the latest heartbreaking example.