Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » I’M IT
  • I’M IT

    Filed at 7:44 am under by dcobranchi

    Per Daryl’s request:

    If I could be a world famous blogger … I’d cluck my tongue at the devaluation of the phrase “world famous”.

    If I could be an architect … I’d design neoclassical temples that would be condemned in the press as “ludicrous echoes of a lost imperium”.

    If I could be a lawyer … I’d hang out my shingle in a little Vermont town and keep old ladies from being swindled by silver-tongued Lotharios.

    If I could be married to any current famous political figure … I’d arrange to have her die in an “accident” and then take her place in a dangerously misguided sympathy appointment, setting into motion a chain of events that would culminate in the Apocalypse.

    If I could be a professor … I’d be able to smoke a pipe unself-consciously.

    3 Responses to “I’M IT”

    Comment by
    The Messenger
    May 25th, 2005
    at 12:48 pm

    Something similar happened in California:
    married to any current famous political figure … (he died) then take her (she took his place) place in a dangerously misguided sympathy appointment,
    The spouse that took the dead politician’s place spoke at a fundraiser I attended and said something I found very strange.

    She said she was going to Washington and roll up her sleeves for us.

    I was probably the only non-rich person at this fundraiser event and I was wondering if our fundraising efforts had just been belittled.

    She may as well have come out and said, nice try but the government could do so much better by stealing the funds to run your program by forced taxation from our neighbors.

    We raised over $100,000 in one night. I don’t think we need access to her “friendship with the taxcollector” but I don’t know if someone in charge would walk away from money the organization qualifies for even though extorted funds are not necessary.

    Comment by
    May 25th, 2005
    at 12:54 pm

    Hey, I voted for Mel Carnahan after his “accident.”

    Comment by
    May 26th, 2005
    at 6:12 am

    So, Tim, who ya gonna tag?