Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » NOT WORTH THE PRICE

    Filed at 6:09 pm under by dcobranchi

    HSLDA has come out in favor Wisconsin’s $100 tax credit for private schoolers and HEKs. But then there’s this:

    Like the homeschool law in Wisconsin, the $100 tax credit, will require constant monitoring to make sure no conditions are added in the future. HSLDA carefully watches the current homeschool laws across the nation to make sure legislatures do not add regulatory burdens to homeschool families.

    Is the potential loss of freedom (and the required eternal vigilance) worth a measly $100?

    6 Responses to “NOT WORTH THE PRICE”

    Comment by
    July 11th, 2005
    at 7:10 pm

    NO! NO! It isn’t a good trade-off! How could it be?
    Hopefully, WI hsers will ask HSLDA to reconsider their support.

    Comment by
    July 11th, 2005
    at 7:38 pm

    “will require constant monitoring to make sure no conditions are added in the future.”

    It’s a make work program for HSLDA 🙂

    Comment by
    July 11th, 2005
    at 7:56 pm

    That was my first cynical thought, too.

    Comment by
    July 11th, 2005
    at 8:07 pm

    I try to keep an open mind, but this does cause one’s “cynical” thoughts to push for attention.

    Comment by
    July 11th, 2005
    at 10:24 pm

    Just what is membership in HSLDA going for? Now WI homeschoolers won’t have to worry about some of the expense of it…. HSLDA will make sure that they get their tax deduction in return for yearly dues.
    My vote is that homeschoolers need neither. Heck HSLDA memberhsip argreement has even more rules than many states! Sure they’ll watch out for more restrictions….

    Comment by
    July 13th, 2005
    at 12:20 am

    Hey, Stupid!
