Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » DEVIL’S ADVOCATE?

    Filed at 9:01 pm under by dcobranchi

    Is this a pro-homeschooling site? Hard to tell from the tone of this piece.

    2 Responses to “DEVIL’S ADVOCATE?”

    Comment by
    November 28th, 2005
    at 10:22 pm

    Leaping from link to link, it leads me to Mary Pride’s Homeschool World, and at the top is an advertisement for K12 which I clicked. m1.k12...atalog
    I believe K12 would be the guilty party.

    Comment by
    November 30th, 2005
    at 7:38 am

    This isn’t good to have K12 putting out hs information. Something has to be done.