Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » FROM BAD TO WORSE

    Filed at 9:18 pm under by dcobranchi

    A few weeks ago, I advised Sara Jenkins to fire her press agent. It appears that she took my advice and hired one who doesn’t speak English.

    With the money back guarantee for three-months offered, this ebook guide by Sara Jenkins was set ready to be popular among the homeschooling enthusiasts.

    10 Responses to “FROM BAD TO WORSE”

    Comment by
    November 28th, 2005
    at 9:25 pm

    “And this doesn?t take more than fifty minutes or so to explain you about its various contents.”

    I think she may be her own press agent. Maybe she could hire a HEK to proof :-/

    Comment by
    November 28th, 2005
    at 10:01 pm

    Your TB link didn’t work. Here’s the


    Comment by
    November 28th, 2005
    at 10:12 pm

    Thanks. Yeah, trackbacks gave up the ghost a year ago. I’m too cheap to pay $100 to upgrade to the current version of MT.

    Comment by
    Andrea R
    November 29th, 2005
    at 12:10 pm

    We’d be more than happy to help you switch over to WordPress. 🙂

    Comment by
    November 29th, 2005
    at 4:01 pm

    I really liked WP while I was blogging for HEM. In fact, I even tried to migrate the blog over to it at one point. I wasn’t geek enough to pull it off.

    And speaking of geeky things– I installed a video card in our home PC last night. Nothing special, just an overclocked board with 256 MB on it. No DVI though. The installation instructions warned me in several places that I’d need to disable the video on the motherboard. I ignored the warnings (of course) and it worked fine. The question– what did I screw up in the process?

    Comment by
    November 29th, 2005
    at 6:25 pm

    If it works, I would say no. Depending on the age of the motherboard, it may autodetect a card in the AGP slot and turn the built-in off. They both would run on the same hardware interrupt(s) by default and you would have really strange results (most likely neither working).

    On WP, did you want to keep the same layout? I remember Andrea fighting with MT. WP is so much nicer to deal with. (I’m writing a plugin in my spare time)

    Comment by
    November 29th, 2005
    at 6:32 pm

    This reads like it was translated into some other language, then back into English: “There are well over two million home educated students across various US constituent territories.” Uh, those “various US constituent territories” would be states, I think.

    Comment by
    November 29th, 2005
    at 6:38 pm

    OK, it gets better. The URL at the end — homesc...e.html — will redirect you to montes...orreal, which as you can guess, has nothing to do with homeschooling.

    Comment by
    November 29th, 2005
    at 7:08 pm

    The board is actually PCI (I said it was nothing special.) The RAM is probably way overkill but the board was dirt cheap on woot.

    As far as WP goes, I’m not wedded to this template. Do you have an idea for migrating for non-geeks?

    Comment by
    November 29th, 2005
    at 8:14 pm

    We’ve done a few include Andrea’s. I’ll send an email with details.