Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » TOUT AWAY

    Filed at 5:14 am under by dcobranchi

    I’m not sure why I find these PR blurbs so fascinating. Maybe it’s a train-wreck phenomenon:

    One streaming company actively involved in the homeschooling market is United Streaming. A product of Discovery Education, a division of parent company Discovery Communications, United Streaming hosts more than 40,000 video clips. United Streaming divides the site between traditional public and private school customers and homeschooling customers, going so far as to have two completely independent customer service locations for each of these distinct target markets. United Streaming also targets homeschooling families via direct mail brochures, touting access to all of United’s content for an annual fee of $199 per household.

    $199 per year for streaming video. I’d be surprised if they have 50 home educating families signed up.

    2 Responses to “TOUT AWAY”

    Comment by
    November 29th, 2005
    at 6:52 am

    I pay around $240 per year for netflix, and the majority of things I rent are educational and/or documentaries.
    The price on that site doesn’t seem that bad, especially given that comparison. I looked at it just this last summer, but never got around to allocating the money in that direction this year.

    Comment by
    November 29th, 2005
    at 2:39 pm

    Actually, there are quite a few K12 users signed up for this — they talk about it all the time on the mailing list.

    (And I know, not all K12’ers are homeschoolers by our definition. But many of them are.)