Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » HEADS UP: IDAHO

    Filed at 4:43 pm under by dcobranchi

    Some legislators (led by a Republican, this time) are concerned because the State can’t account for all of its our kids. The proposed solution? All homeschoolers would have to register, take standardized tests, and prove that they were worthy. Idahoans– you know what to do.

    UPDATE: This Op/Ed is even worse than the original article. It looks like it’s going to be a full-court press to find Idaho’s our kids:

    As of today, nearly 14,000 Idaho children are unaccounted for by Idaho’s school system.

    Truant? Maybe. Home-schooled? Probably quite a few. On drugs? Who knows? Headed for jail? Possibly.

    The whole point is, for one out of every 15 school-aged children in Idaho, we just don’t know. Not a clue.

    …The Associated Press hopped on the story, and you can read their report here. In there you’ll find quotes from home-school advocates who say the report is flawed, and that kids are getting an education in Idaho.

    The problem there is that Idaho takes them at their word, and the kids disappear. Without any sort of communication between home-schoolers and school districts, it’s going to be difficult for Idaho to effectively track and guide education in the state.

    Shea Anderson has a spot for comments.

    One Response to “HEADS UP: IDAHO”

    Comment by
    January 28th, 2006
    at 1:24 pm

    “Truant? Maybe. Home-schooled? Probably quite a few. On drugs? Who knows?”

    That’s rich. They are trying to link “accountability” with preventing drug use.

    When I was in high school, I could have gotten any drug you could think of from (or through) any one of several people who attended the school.