Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » OT: HAH, HAH (NOT!)
  • OT: HAH, HAH (NOT!)

    Filed at 6:44 pm under by dcobranchi

    I usually try to steer clear of politics on HE&OS, but this one is so sick, so vile that I’m going to break my own rule. Ann Coulter should be kicked off of every respectable television network (and Fox, too). Calling for someone to poison a Supreme Court Justice, even (supposedly) in jest, is just plain evil.

    3 Responses to “OT: HAH, HAH (NOT!)”

    Comment by
    Alex Haas
    January 27th, 2006
    at 8:39 pm

    Oh, did you miss the column in which she “jokingly” suggested that someone should blow up the New York Times editorial offices?

    Comment by
    January 27th, 2006
    at 9:26 pm

    Yeah, but here we are talking about her.

    Point to the skanky blonde commentator.

    IAATM – and as long as we keep watching she keeps raking it in.

    Comment by
    January 30th, 2006
    at 10:58 am

    She’s a shrew. And not even a talented or pretty shrew. Just a foul-tempered rodent. I don’t watch her and I never will – thoughtful people everywhere should do likewise IMO.