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    Filed at 7:29 pm under by dcobranchi

    I think the kid has a legitimate lawsuit here:

    FORT WAYNE, Ind. — A high school senior who wrote a book mocking his high school, its administrators and fellow students will have his expulsion expunged but will not be allowed to return to the classroom this year.

    The Northwest Allen County Schools board also voted to bar the 17-year-old Carroll High School student from attending extracurricular activities and his graduation ceremony.

    The district will provide teachers to help home-school the student so he can graduate in June, according to a statement from Superintendent Steve Yager and the student’s family.

    “Carroll (The Book),” a 14-page publication, was modeled after comedian Jon Stewart’s book “America (The Book).” The boy’s version includes diagrams, profanity, photos and a picture of school Principal Deb Neumeyer on the cover.

    The student apologized for its contents in the statement released Thursday.

    More than a dozen Carroll employees attended the board meeting to support Yager’s initial recommendation to expel the student.

    “There’s no way to put a positive spin on anything this young man has said,” said Kathy Lepper, guidance director. “Carroll High School is not Comedy Central.”

    Students who attended the meeting said the administration overreacted.

    Dollars to donuts the eleven employees were all ridiculed in the book. And the “He’s not expelled. He just can’t come back.” is just too rich. Where’s the ACLU???

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