Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » HEARTLESS AND CRUEL

    Filed at 10:39 pm under by dcobranchi

    A VA state delegate is pushing a bill that would essentially outlaw Gay-Straight Alliance clubs.

    According to Arlington Del. Adam Ebbin, the after-school groups offer a safe space where gay youths can seek comfort.

    But Harrisonburg Del. Matthew Lohr argues too many of these groups are just promoting sexual activity.

    They faced off Monday as the House of Delegates debated a bill that would empower local school boards to disband groups seen as encouraging teen promiscuity.

    Lohr’s House Bill 1308 would authorize school boards to prohibit the use of school facilities by any student club that promotes sexual activity among unmarried students.

    It would essentially dissolve the gay-straight alliances, which typically meet on school grounds, said Dyana Mason, head of Equality Virginia.

    The bill won preliminary House approval Monday, and could go before the Senate this week.

    I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for kids to be “out” in high school. Why the hell should Lohr care? Other than pure homophobia, of course.

    I often wonder about the folks who seem to go out of their way to punish homosexuals– What inner demons are they fighting in their own lives? Maybe Lohr’s just jealous that there weren’t GSAs when he was a kid.

    2 Responses to “HEARTLESS AND CRUEL”

    Comment by
    January 31st, 2006
    at 12:41 am

    I gotta wonder how you would prove a group “promoted teen promiscuity.” What sort of proof test would you use?

    Comment by
    January 31st, 2006
    at 8:02 am

    I would argue the football team promotes teen promiscuity. I guess they should disband it immediately.