Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » BLOG FOR FREE!

    Filed at 6:50 am under by dcobranchi

    Ron and Andrea are looking for beta testers among home educating bloggers. They’re setting up a free service (donations accepted) to host folks’ blogs. Sounds like a good opportunity to leave the child beaters and their apologists.

    2 Responses to “BLOG FOR FREE!”

    Comment by
    Joanne, The Happy Homeschooler
    March 20th, 2006
    at 7:34 am


    I wanted you and your readers to know that I’ve blogged in depth about this and have offered help to any parent wanting to move away from the advice and promises given by Pearl and similar authors.


    Comment by
    March 21st, 2006
    at 8:04 pm

    We’re almost ready to go really live too. Thanks for the mention. 🙂