Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » LETTER OF THE DAY

    Filed at 3:40 pm under by dcobranchi

    Week. Month. Year. And Millennium.

    Evolution is proved; we have a new species:

    Bible tells the truth about our creation

    Why is it that these evolutionists are trying so hard to deny that God created the Earth and all that is on it? Now we have an “educated” minister who claims that seminaries have proved that the beginning chapters of the Bible were not written according to the Word of God, but by unknown authors and added to the Bible by some editor. How about the words in John 1:1-4?

    I don’t think much of a minister who felt it was more important to preach about things he didn’t believe, rather than risking his post by not pleasing his (ignorant) congregation.

    The theory of evolution does not and cannot explain so much about the universe that we know. For instance, when and how did water evolve? How does it happen that gravity can hold us to the Earth, and at the same time allow us to step up without any trouble? How did it happen that the Earth is spinning at the exact rate that keeps us from feeling that movement?

    I find it much easier to believe that Genesis tells us the truth of the creation when we know from God’s own Word that nothing is impossible for him to do.
    Carol Crooks, Greer

    I really ought to be embarrassed by this one, as I graduated from high school in Greer, SC. Quit laughing, Kimberly. (via The Panda’s Thumb)

    18 Responses to “LETTER OF THE DAY”

    Comment by
    March 22nd, 2006
    at 7:39 pm

    When and how did water evolve?

    Is she serious?

    Comment by
    March 22nd, 2006
    at 8:59 pm

    Daryl, just had to comment – my folks first met in Greer, SC, when they were 11 and 12. Both have passed on now, but it was a good story. Greer’s not a town I see mentioned often enough to not notice when I do. Easley SC figured into it too.:)

    Comment by
    March 22nd, 2006
    at 9:07 pm

    Since we’re talking small town SC– I grew up in Taylors (Between Greenville and Greer) and my wife was from Seneca (next door to Clemson). Yeah, I’m a hick.

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 12:04 am

    Sounds like a little 90yo lady who shouldn’t worry her sweet little self with such questions. She’ll know the answer for sure soon enough.

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 1:19 am

    I’ve had some brothers move into and out of small town SC while attending a certain college. Two of them actually met their wives there, at the college, though neither were from SC. One of them was, for a short time, a cop in Taylors. And I lived for about a year in Rock Hill.
    For what it’s worth.

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 9:23 am

    We should be careful, this thread could give creedence to those that believe homeschoolers are all rednecks 🙂

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 9:38 am

    Water evolved the same way a gin and tonic did.

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 9:59 am

    It all started when these little H’s were floating around, happily minding their own business when suddenly out of nowhere, these O’s came and captured two H’s each!

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 11:58 am

    Uh-oh…redneck hick here too. I grew up just across the NC line from there. I’m getting ready to make a trip there tomorrow. To see dd at school. Yes…*there*. Hey…I ain’t payin’ for it so don’t blame me!

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 12:35 pm

    What town/school?

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 12:40 pm

    And I thought H2O evolved as the cosmic answer to homonuclearity. You know, all those H2 and O2 floating around by themselves violating all sorts of biblical prohibitions. Molecular menage a trois are much more moral.

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 5:27 pm

    Oh, just a certain college in Greenville…lol.

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 6:15 pm

    Daryl! Seneca, really? I spent many summers cruisin’ Seneca, probably before you were born since my mom grew in Walhalla. My grandmother insisted on keeping the ancestral home there while she was alive (she lived to age 96). The last time I was in Seneca was to sell what was left of my dad’s lakefront development, Indian Oaks, working through realtors Perry and Sally7 Rogers. Don’t guess you’d know them by any chance?

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 6:35 pm

    Oh, you mean BJU? 🙂

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 6:41 pm

    Sorry, I don’t know the Rogers but dollars to donuts my in-laws do. What are the chances that Realtors are NOT members of Seneca Baptist Church?

    Comment by
    March 23rd, 2006
    at 10:31 pm

    LOL – that or Methodists, or they drive to the Lutheran Church in Walhalla. (Walhalla is German, you know!) I also remember the old gentleman lawyer in Seneca who handled the titles and state probate work, Johnny Fields. He and I didn’t get along too well; as a woman talking law and finance, I felt like he was too smooth by half and patting me on the head instead of listening to — and actually addressing — my complex concerns and questions. But that was 10 years ago; he’s likely passed on himself by now. Do ask your wife’s family though, if you get the chance and let me know 🙂

    Comment by
    Cardinal Fang
    March 24th, 2006
    at 12:50 am

    My family can’t stop laughing about water evolving.

    It’s true about feeling the earth spin, though. Right? ‘Cause, I mean, when you get up North, nearer the pole, where the earth is spinning more slowly, you can really notice it, right? It feels sort of sluggish under your feet. Yes, definitely. And when the astronauts were on the moon, wow, they really noticed a difference in the moon spinning underfoot.

    Comment by
    March 26th, 2006
    at 9:27 pm

    Yes, BJU. I won’t say anymore out of respect for my dd. I raised her to think for herself and she has done that.

    Anyway, I survived. Barely… 🙂