Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » DEAD TREES

    Filed at 7:01 am under by dcobranchi

    The April 18th edition of Family Circle magazine has a quite positive article on home education. Laura Derrick and Rob Reich are quoted. Reich’s quotes are (surprisingly) not negative. I wonder how long the interview went on before the reporter found two she could use.

    The article does not appear to be available online. In the dead-tree version of the mag, it starts on page 59.

    2 Responses to “DEAD TREES”

    Comment by
    March 31st, 2006
    at 9:39 am

    “Reich’s quotes are (surprisingly) not negative.”

    Maybe we’re having an effect after all. Hope springs eternal.

    Comment by
    March 31st, 2006
    at 3:48 pm

    I worked with the writer for months on this one, and then went another round when the fact checkers and editors started in on it. I took a bit of a different approach on this article and also a couple of other recent ones that haven’t come out yet — I decided it was worth bringing up the “balance” issue right from the start, and I think it paid off, at least with this piece.