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  • YIPPEE!!!

    Filed at 4:27 am under by dcobranchi

    I’m sure this is good news. Right?

    North Carolina selected for NCLB pilot program
    5/18/2006 11:25 AM
    By: News 14 Carolina Staff

    (RALEIGH) — North Carolina has been selected to be a model for a No Child Left Behind pilot program.

    Congressman Robin Hayes made the announcement Tuesday.

    The program will create a new standard for measuring a child’s growth and achievement. The program is designed to make sure all kids perform at grade level by the year 2014.

    It will also allow a teacher’s hard work to be showcased more accurately in state reporting.

    North Carolina and Tennessee were the only two states selected to take part in the program.

    UPDATE: The details.

    4 Responses to “YIPPEE!!!”

    Comment by
    May 19th, 2006
    at 9:55 am


    Comment by
    May 19th, 2006
    at 10:31 am

    The program is designed to make sure all kids perform at grade level by the year 2014.

    How sad for the children who would be above grade level.

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    May 19th, 2006
    at 10:49 am

    Good one. 🙂

    Comment by
    May 19th, 2006
    at 11:31 am

    How about those poor kids who are completely through the system within the next eight years? Will they end up being Children Left Behind because they were too dumb to wait and be born a little later?