Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

    Filed at 9:44 pm under by dcobranchi

    One sheep scared:

    I just read recently that there is a proclamation coming before the U.N. that would literally ban home schooling throughout the world and require all children to attend so-called “national” schools. Why? Because I believe that a “great Awakening” is taking place in the U.S. and abroad and that families are turning back to God in the deep desire and devotion to raise moral and Godly children. Home schoolers are taking the lead and they are indeed making an impact on our society. Those who hate Christians and Christianity want to force our children to be institutionalized and indoctrinated in the socialist anti-God dogma and rhetoric of modern humanistic philosophy.

    4 Responses to “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”

    Comment by
    June 2nd, 2006
    at 1:30 pm

    Daryl, you must be the big, bad wolf. 🙂 Everybody locks their blogs down after you come calling!

    Comment by
    June 2nd, 2006
    at 2:35 pm

    Not this time. Just a stupid blogger permalink snafu. fieldo...t.com/

    Comment by
    June 2nd, 2006
    at 4:22 pm

    Ahhhh, thanks!

    Comment by
    June 2nd, 2006
    at 4:28 pm

    It looks like she’s gotten rid of the referenced entry though. I don’t see anything after May 22. I commented…I was very nice and asked some sincere questions…nothing offensive at all.

    ~*Oh well…if we stick our heads in the sand maybe the facts will disappear and we can all go our merry way and come out where the sun is always shining, the NEA has dissolved, and HSLDA has made the world all warm fuzzies!~*