Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » LETTER OF THE DAY

    Filed at 5:57 am under by dcobranchi

    More press bashing:

    Why print so much negative news?

    I have for a long time been puzzled as to why your newspaper prints so much negative toward the military.

    Case in point: The July 10 front-page headlines said, “4 more charged in Iraq rape.” We know that this is really bad, but there are bad people doing inexcusable things everywhere, including in North Carolina.

    Hidden on Page 8A on July 10 was an article of the utmost importance to all Americans, a plot uncovered for a New York bombing of the Hudson River tunnels. This should have been a front-page headline.

    A newspaper in a military city should be a little more military-friendly. If your intentions are to influence readers to your opinion, then you are doing a great job.

    Newspapers are a powerful tool, but should be unbiased.

    Nancy L. Scholz

    Yep. We need more of that unbiased happy talk.

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