Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » REUNION UPDATE

    Filed at 5:18 pm under by dcobranchi

    Well, the Democratic Reunion at our house came off without a hitch. We had somewhere around 30 folks show up, several pols among them. Included in the count were Larry Kissell, a couple of judicial candiates, and our new state Rep. William Brisson. Brisson was the highlight for me, as I was able to bend his ear on my pet privacy project.

    As usual, the food was excellent and Lydia prepared WAY too much. 🙂

    One Response to “REUNION UPDATE”

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    July 30th, 2006
    at 9:50 pm

    Home ed came up in conversation. Lydia ended up agreeing to give a talk on the subject next month. I also got a near-promise from our new rep that he’d sponsor the privacy legislation.

    And we also managed to arrange for a field trip to visit the lockmaster (no, that’s not Rick Moranis) at his job. We live about 1 mile away from the Cape Fear River. The Cape Fear is navigable up to Fayetteville but only through the use of a series of three locks and dams. The nearest one is about two miles downriver from here and the lockmaster is a neighbor and Deomocratic activist. He’s going to show the kids the workings of the lock system.