Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT

    Filed at 6:44 pm under by dcobranchi

    Leavenworth, Kansas

    Popularly known as “home schoolers,” the Johnsons are one of several families in the Leavenworth area who educate their children themselves, instead of using the public school system or traditional private schools.

    There’s also a poll to freep. The wrong team is winning, big-time.

    One Response to “THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT”

    Comment by
    Cindy B.
    August 22nd, 2006
    at 10:39 pm

    Great. Love the condescending scare quotes around “home schooling”. I guess we’re all depriving our kids of a proper “education” by not sending them to g-schools.

    And check out the idiotic comment by “been there done that”, who said, among other things: “Colleges will not normally accept homeschool transcripts or ‘diplomas’.” It’s my understaning that most colleges will accept homeschoolers with open arms. Where did he apply, and what did his transcript look like?