Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » DEFINITELY NOT HOMESCHOOLING

    Filed at 4:55 am under by dcobranchi

    Maybe we can all agree on this one? 🙂

    Archeologists say a prehistoric skeleton and campsite discovered on the muddy shore of Lake Travis could be between 700 and 2,000 years old.

    An archaeology crew excavated the nearly intact skeleton on Sunday so that it can be donated to the University of Texas for further study.

    …David Houston, of Austin, came across the skeleton on Aug. 9 when he pulled his personal watercraft onto the lake shore to admire a nearby house. He said he saw a jawbone, teeth and a forearm in the clay soil.

    …Houston, an archaeology buff who has “home-schooled” himself on the subject for almost 25 years, said he recognized the skull as dating back hundreds of years. The teeth are ground down, which indicates the person ate food that is stone-ground and has tiny rock fragments in it, he said.

    Tip credit: Rikki

    As to the other use of the word, fuck it. I give up. JJ, Nance, Annette, e-schoolers, g-(home)schoolers– y’all can have it. These “conversations” are fruitless. And y’all ought to know what Jesus did to the fruitless fig tree.


    Comment by
    August 30th, 2006
    at 7:01 am

    I see comments are not closed, so here goes. 🙂

    It is an exercise in futility to try and wrest the word homeschool from parents who are misappropriating the term. Parents of ps-at-home children might *feel* like they are homeschooling. The term homeschooling has come to convey a lifestyle. I would not want to argue with someone about whether their lifestyle is as they say it is or not. I keep my focus on the ps programs and how they differ. I don’t let someone tell me that I’m shrinking my world by doing so. I’m not. If anything, having a yahoogroup where I welcome ps-at-home folk is expanding my world–especially since I’m in a state that doesn’t have ps-at-home programs.

    The attempt to define people has been the achille’s heel of the debate all along. Defining people shouldn’t be done, and it cannot be done be done anyhow as there aren’t consistent rules that can be applied to have a test to decide who’s a hser. However, there are tests for knowing what is public education. Remember nationally there are homeschool advocates that are attending legislative hearings and putting time in to prevent the baggage associated from ps programs from becoming hs baggage. I’d like to make their work easier so that they can have time for adding to homeschool freedoms versus trying to make sure something isn’t subtracted from hsing. The key in this debate is knowing the definition of psing and whether a *program* falls under the category of psing. That’s what happens at NCSW.

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    August 30th, 2006
    at 8:51 am

    See, I learn so much here.

    Not from Annette — LOL

    But I got to Google the fig tree story and now live in fear of being cursed! Augh. . . 🙂


    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    August 30th, 2006
    at 9:35 am

    A funny riff on Jesus and the fig tree:

    Act Two. God Said, Huh? Julia Sweeney, a Catholic, tells the story of how her faith began to crack after reading a most alarming book … called the Bible.

    This radio interview prompted teen daughter to begin homeschooling herself on “comparative religion.” She’s enrolling in the formal college course next term, for credit, as a dual-enrolled homeschooler whose tuition will be covered by the State.

    Comment by
    Christine G
    August 30th, 2006
    at 10:23 am

    I think he sounds like an unschooler. I’m gonna call him that. Let’s see what the unschoolers think. Anyone??

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    August 30th, 2006
    at 10:39 am

    Yeah, I keep being reminded why I moved away from the original name of this blog.

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    August 30th, 2006
    at 10:43 am

    Who sounds like an unschooler? Jesus?


    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    August 30th, 2006
    at 10:44 am

    Oh, you meant the archeology buff.

    Either one — they can call themselves whatever they want, as far as I’m concerned. 🙂


    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    August 30th, 2006
    at 12:15 pm

    Speaking of radio as homeschooling, are all the radio hosts reading at Daryl’s Diner now??

    Separation of Morality and Religion on NPR this morning, The Diane Rehm Show. The meanings and responsibilities hardwired inside us define our moral judgment and moral behavior, more than what we THINK defines it (law, church, culture, parents, teachers.)

    Marc Hauser, Professor of Psychology, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, and Biological Anthropology at Harvard University and author of “Wild Minds.”

    His closing sentence even contains the phrase “educational distinctions” . . .

    Glenn Beck was on the other pre-set FM button in the car this morning, being provocative about why it’s moral (if it is) to renounce your faith to save your life, a la the kidnapped FOX News guys — or is that even what they did, just by saying the prescribed words? Maybe their words said one thing though their own intent was the opposite, and if so, which is “real?”

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    August 30th, 2006
    at 12:25 pm

    Glenn Beck btw, features photos of the manly “MEAT CAKE” on his front page, a meat birthday cake iced with mashed potatoes and decorated with ketchup. Here is its Creation Story.
    Maybe Sam could fiddle with the recipe, to see if it works as well with possum as with horsemeat-loaf?

    Comment by
    August 30th, 2006
    at 12:51 pm

    So sorry your Achilles heel was slashed and you bleed out on this issue.
    We will sadly persevere without you.

    Comment by
    August 30th, 2006
    at 2:08 pm

    And y’all ought to know what Jesus did to the fruitless fig tree.

    Yes, they certainly should…. The Lord God of Creation who made fig trees cursed and withered one for not having figs when it was not fig season. Let’s look at that another way, OK? The same Jesus of whom we all ask, “What would Jesus do?” got so p***ed off at a fig tree just doing what it ought to do that he punished it. Who knows what he would have done had it been so forward as to bear figs out of season.

    That story drives me crazy.