Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » POT, MEET KETTLE

    Filed at 6:43 am under by dcobranchi

    Homeschooling is only mentioned tangentially in this article, but I want to present a couple of quotes that I found funny:

    [Our] Constitution is not the Bible (I wish it was!)

    That’s no different than a wack-job fundamentalist like the “God Hates F*gs” fool.

    Isn’t someone who wishes for a bible-based theocracy by definition one of those wack-job fundies?

    4 Responses to “POT, MEET KETTLE”

    Comment by
    October 10th, 2006
    at 7:54 am

    If one wishes that the Bible was the Consitution, does that make one a whack-job Libertarian? Or just someone who’d prefer a brief statement of intent that contains its own mechanism for change, written by some of the leading thinkers of its day, free of superstition and full of hope, to a hack job written by various desert nomads primitive even in their own heyday (I, a Jewish woman, say this) and freely edited by demogogues and priests with a bone to pick, kings with an agenda, and wannabe patrician Romans with an addiction to the mystical?

    Comment by
    October 10th, 2006
    at 7:57 am

    Two spelling errors; hey, it’s pre-coffee and I have the so-called “stomach flu.” Cut me a little slack (and remind me to cut myself some). 🙂

    Comment by
    October 10th, 2006
    at 8:32 am

    Is “Archie Bunker liberal” the opposite of a “South Park Republican?”

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    October 10th, 2006
    at 9:26 am

    I saw a homeschool rant last night that used the new (at least to me) phrase “mental liberty” to rebut Rob Reich et al on the creep of “classroom collectivism” — sigh, “mental liberty” has the drawback that anything good can be made dark and twisty by some wack-job (ask Valerie watching Jesus Camp…)