Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » SIDETRACKED

    Filed at 6:31 am under by dcobranchi

    I got so wrapped up yesterday in the tax exempt bit, that I forgot to mention the part that really got my goat in the e-Lert. Evidently, HSLDA owns their members’ kids:

    To that end, HSLDA PAC has endorsed candidates in key races around the country, and in the last week of the campaign, the PAC is sending out numerous teams of homeschool students to participate in key House and Senate races. These young people will be working hard to “Get-Out-The-Vote.” They will campaign door to door, make literature drops and call thousands of voters.

    Dollars to donuts one of those key races is CO-04, where HSLDA lapdog Marilyn Musgrave is in a tight battle with Angie Paccione.

    One Response to “SIDETRACKED”

    Comment by
    October 16th, 2006
    at 8:56 am

    They own their member’s brains, so why not the kids too?