I promise that I’ll get away from politics after Nov. 7th. But this election is too important to just sit back and do my same old schtick.
We are looking for help passing out campaign literature in the Orlando, Florida area. There is a very important and close congressional race in the Florida 8th Congressional district. Incumbent Rep. Ric Keller and Democratic challenger Charlie Stuart are locked in a tie. We believe that we can impact this race in a positive way. We are hoping to turn things upside down by asking Christians to support Mr. Stuart, a well respected, competent and compassionate Democrat!
Our group, Faith in Democracy, is looking to bring a healthier balance to the political relationship between people of faith and the political parties. We believe that no one party represents the interests of Christians and other persons of faith. We hope to bring Christians and others to understand that our unwavering and sometimes blind support of Republican candidates has led to a one sided and at times, disrespectful relationship.
We hope to bring the Democratic Party closer to our values. We want to see both parties understanding the need for moral behavior and ethics in practices and policies both in the US and in its foreign policy.
We are beyond blind acceptance of Republican Party rhetoric and hope to hold them more accountable. We recognize the responsibility that people of faith have to see that democracy works.
Please call me at 321-243-3067 or e-mail me at:
Please pass this on if you can.Richard Richmond