Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » THIS AD SCARES THE PISS OUT OF RUSH, SCOTT,

    Filed at 1:34 am under by dcobranchi

    and the anti-science wing of the GOP. Tough shit. Face reality.

    The fact of the matter is that the scientists in the field believe that embryonic stem cell research is the most promising area for eventually finding cures for a whole host of diseases. Are scientists guaranteeing cures? Of course not. But why should America cut off funding the research in order to save the feelings of a bunch of anti-science idiots. Scientists are not killing babies. They’re taking unwanted, excess, frozen embryos that are destined to be discarded. These embryos are not tiny babies. They’re a bunch of undifferentiated cells. 8-16 cells. Is that a baby? Is it EVER going to be a baby? There are tens of thousands of these embryos sitting in liquid nitrogen dewars for years on end. Are the fundie right waiting for science to advance to the point that these “snowflake babies” (yeah, that’s their name for them) won’t need to be “adopted” and can just be incubated like something out of the Matrix? Yeah. And they say that stem cell research is pie in the sky.

    Some things go beyond partisan politics. Science is one of them.

    UPDATE: I had a computer problem and couldn’t finish the post.

    The right-to-life movement has to be the most ironically named movement in the history of the US. They really don’t care about life. They certainly don’t seem to care about American soldiers’ lives. Or Iraqi civilians’ lives. Or the lives of people with debilitating diseases. No, I think the only lives they care about are their own (hence the fact that they’re still peeing their pants five years after 9/11) and the so-called “lives” of some cells that might someday possibly maybe be a baby.

    They better hope that the atheists are right and that there is no heaven. Because, otherwise, I have a strong suspicion that an awful lot of Right-to-Lifers might someday hear “I never knew you.”


    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    October 27th, 2006
    at 9:37 am

    More pictures.



    Comment by
    October 27th, 2006
    at 11:24 am

    I think it all goes back to power. It’s mostly men you hear ranting and raving about the evils of abortion and stem cells. And let’s face it, if Christian men can establish the legal dominion over a women’s body that they believe the bible gives them, then what can’t they do?

    That’s a pretty strong power base to start from.

    Comment by
    October 27th, 2006
    at 2:16 pm

    That’s rather tortured logic… the pro-lifers are so selfish that they only care about their own lives, while at the same time they are against stem cell research which has a good chance of eventually enhancing their own selfish lives. Abortion is also often much more convenient than carrying a baby to term. One would think controlling, selfish people would be all for it. And there is nothing inherently less controlling about keeping a woman from having an abortion than making her have one. Men could use abortion just as easily to “control” a woman’s body. Maybe, just maybe, some people are sincere in their beliefs. I am personally for stem cell research and abortion, but the true motives of the other side are much more complex.

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    October 27th, 2006
    at 3:13 pm

    the pro-lifers are so selfish that they only care about their own lives, while at the same time they are against stem cell research which has a good chance of eventually enhancing their own selfish lives.

    So they’re stupid and oblivious. You have to admit, though, that there’s a pretty big overlap between the warmongers, the wimps pissing down their legs, and the Right-to-Lifers.