Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » What Took Labour So Long?
  • What Took Labour So Long?

    Filed at 8:18 am under by Tim Haas

    Looks like Blair wants to put another notch in his legacy belt:

    Imminent Government Consultation about Home Education

    The Government is planning changes to the monitoring of home education. Proposed changes include: a mission statement and clear plan which we stick to, targets, a broad and balanced curriculum, more surveillance and monitoring from the LA to make sure we are “doing it properly”.

    Our English brethren and sistren are not, however, taking this lying down. (I say English because the Scots already have their own intrusive oversight system.) More information here.

    One Response to “What Took Labour So Long?”

    Comment by
    February 15th, 2007
    at 7:02 am

    As well as the EO campaign, which you have already linked to, the Home Educated youngsters in the UK have got involved.
    Instead of a petition we have “Hands up 4 Home Ed”