Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » THOSE PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS

    Filed at 5:27 pm under by dcobranchi

    A really sick local story:

    WILMINGTON (AP) — A 40-year-old high school science teacher and cross country coach who once worked in Guilford County has resigned his position and married a 16-year-old student.

    Brenton Wuchae coached Windy Hager at South Brunswick High School, where she recently completed her sophomore year as one of the school’s top runners. He also lives less than two miles away from the Hagers’ home on Oak Island.

    Wuchae married Hager in Brunswick County on Monday, according to a marriage license.

    Hager’s parents, Dennis and Betty Hager, said they did all they could to keep the couple apart after noticing a deeper-than-usual friendship forming between them. The parents said they tried to intervene by talking to the coach, going to school officials, pleading with police and sheriff’s office detectives, even other teachers and students at South Brunswick.

    The police couldn’t prove that he had had sex with her prior to the marriage, so he wasn’t charged.

    And just a reminder– statistically speaking, kids have a 1 in 10 chance of being sexually abused by a school authority figure during their 13 year prison stretch.


    Comment by
    June 21st, 2007
    at 7:14 pm

    Maybe sick…maybe not. It could be real love. Who knows? (I personally agree with you that it’s sick, but…) No one forced the parents to sign the consent though. She’s a minor so IMO they did not do “all they could to keep the couple apart after noticing a deeper-than-usual friendship forming between them “. They could have taken her out of the school, moved, etc. Bottom line is…the parents gave her to him on a silver platter by signing the consent.

    Comment by
    June 30th, 2007
    at 6:35 pm

    Just wondering where did you get the 1 in 10 stat from?

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    June 30th, 2007
    at 7:10 pm

    I can’t recall where I originally read it, but this WorldNutDaily piece quotes the same stat.