Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » PRESS RELEASE

    Filed at 5:06 am under by dcobranchi

    I’m not sure that this isn’t anything that homeschoolers haven’t been doing forever, but it’s still sounds pretty cool.

    Lake Oswego, OR–Like millions of other children around the country, 9-year-old Caroline Haroldson of Lake Oswego, Oregon will start school the day after Labor Day. But unlike most fourth graders, she won’t enter any school doors. Instead, Caroline will begin a six-week trek homeschooling (or “travelschooling”) across
    the contiguous United States in a quest to learn about our nation’s history, geography, and government.

    Amy Haroldson, Homeschool Across America’s founder, hopes the adventure will inspire families of the over one million homeschoolers in the United States to take advantage of the freedom to travel homeschooling offers. “I can’t imagine a more enriching way to learn than through travel to the actual places where history took place,” says Haroldson, who is also Caroline’s mother and travel companion for the journey. “Homeschoolers can travel anytime to learn. We avoid the holiday break crowds and long lines and can take advantage of off-season discounts.” In addition to tracking Caroline’s travels, the website, HomeschoolAcrossAmerica.com, highlights opportunities for homeschool families seeking educational experiences through travel.

    More info here.

    One Response to “PRESS RELEASE”

    Comment by
    August 16th, 2007
    at 9:21 am

    My cousins, the first family I knew that homeschooled back in the 1980s, did thisfor a year. Uncle Rick was an itinerant evangelist, and they traveled around in a van and RV trailer.

    It sounds like a cool idea to me!