Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » A NICKEL FOR TIM

    Filed at 9:38 pm under by dcobranchi

    Check out photo number 3 in this gallery. Amazingly natural-looking.

    3 Responses to “A NICKEL FOR TIM”

    Comment by
    October 14th, 2007
    at 10:50 pm

    I thought Tim only collected on kitchen / dining room table pictures? I think that may be a dedicated school room, unless they have a white board in the dining room.

    Comment by
    October 15th, 2007
    at 7:01 am

    I actually gave Tim a nickel the other day — I found myself sitting at the dining room table, doing German with the boys, complete with textbook and two workbooks. It was a scary moment.

    Comment by
    October 15th, 2007
    at 8:01 am

    Cool! Finally a face to go with the name that always censors moderates my posts from the WNC loop if I try to post anything that might not make NCHE appear to be the ultimate savior of all homeschools in NC.