Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » PSA: *SNIFF* HE CALLED ME “COLLEAGUE”

    Filed at 6:44 pm under by dcobranchi

    I’m so proud:


    The University of California, Riverside is very proud of its association with the homeschooled community. In fact, UCR was the very first UC to actively recruit homeschooled and other non-traditionally educated students.

    “The new homeschool admissions program seems to have attracted outstanding students, as we’d hoped. It looks like we’ve tapped into a pipeline of great students.”
    – Frank Vahid (a professor Computer Science who helped establish the program)

    Let us help you help your students achieve their educational goals with a posting on your Web site about our program. The attached copy includes an information link about this program. If you need assistance to set the link up or need more information, please contact Steve Whitestone at steve.whitestone@ucr.edu or (951) 827-5979.

    Thank you very much for your help, and we hope that you and your viewers find this information useful. I look forward to working with you.

    Steve Whitestone

    Creative Copywriter/PR
    Enrollment Management Communications
    University of California, Riverside
    900 University Avenue
    Riverside, CA 92521
    FAX: 951.827.2884

    UC Riverside. We want to be your next home school.

    Don’t miss Preview Day at UC, Riverside — the very first UC to actively recruit home schooled and other non-traditionally educated students. Visit our beautiful campus, learn about our academic programs, and see some of our amazing new facilities. Plus, attend a special session devoted to home-schooled students and the issues you’ll face as you transition to a four-year school.

    Preview Day
    Saturday, October 27, 2007
    at UC Riverside
    Registration: 8:30 a.m.
    Please reserve in advance:

    I’m just having some fun at my “colleague’s” expense. UCR has been one of the more progressive schools when it comes to HEKs.

    2 Responses to “PSA: *SNIFF* HE CALLED ME “COLLEAGUE””

    Comment by
    steve whitestone
    October 15th, 2007
    at 7:34 pm

    Thanks for helping us spread the word, colleague!

    Seriously… we appreciate it, Daryl. And we hope parents and students will take a good look at UCR!

    Comment by
    Tammy Takahashi
    October 15th, 2007
    at 8:41 pm

    UCR is my alma mater. It was a great school then. And apparently still is. It doesn’t surprise me at all that UCR is the first UC to be so welcoming to homeschoolers. Rah Rah!