Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » NOT THE HOMESCHOOL BLOG AWARDS

    Filed at 1:41 pm under by dcobranchi

    This one I don’t mind promoting at all.

    “Not the Homeschool Blog Awards” (not their official name) needs help designing a logo. The contest is open to HEKs with a 1st prize of $100. Details here.


    Comment by
    October 18th, 2007
    at 3:01 pm

    But..there’s always a but, isn’t there? But, the actual nominees must be from “family friendly” blogs. I couldn’t find a definition. You’d think all homeschool blogs would be family friendly, but I’ve heard mine isn’t.

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    October 18th, 2007
    at 4:17 pm

    I didn’t see that. I saw that the prizes (assuming there are any sponsors) would need to be family friendly.

    You could donate a signed copy of one of your books. Is biochemistry family friendly? 🙂

    Comment by
    October 18th, 2007
    at 4:40 pm

    I’d like to call for a moratorium on silly blog awards. We are quickly approaching a point where anybody can be an award winner. As Dash Incredible said, “If everybody is special, then nobody is”.

    Comment by
    Lisa- Homeschool and Unschooling Resources
    October 18th, 2007
    at 8:57 pm

    You are right- I will pull the family friendly comment out… I never thought of it that way.
    I was trying to avoid porn spam but that will happen anyway..

    I really just wanted a way to give homeschooling kids a chance to enter contest, show off their skills and make it be fun… plus I do need a new logo… and I do want to open up awards to ALL homeschoolers and unschoolers who tend to get left out of these sorts of things… rather than usual fare…
    ANY site to me is valid if it has uplifted you challenged you, made you think or was just plain interesting.
    I tried to get that across. And yes- your book would be welcome 🙂

    Comment by
    October 18th, 2007
    at 9:28 pm

    Yes, lets call a halt to these silly awards – right after I win one!

    Comment by
    October 18th, 2007
    at 10:22 pm

    Hey! You won an ODonnellWeb award earlier this year!

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    October 19th, 2007
    at 4:36 am

    I see, Chris– pulling up the ladder after you. 🙂

    I probably wouldn’t have posted on these were it not for the $100 for the kids.

    Nothing in particular against these awards, but the war last year left a bad taste.

    Comment by
    October 19th, 2007
    at 8:55 am

    I’m totally in favor of anybody mocking the blog awards like I did last year. That was my most commented post ever. I think everybody should do their personal blog awards, no voting allowed.

    Comment by
    October 19th, 2007
    at 12:24 pm

    Okay, yeah, but I want one in which I’m voted most popular something. I’m all about peer acceptance, duh.

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    October 19th, 2007
    at 9:30 pm

    Hey Doc, I’d be honored to award you Snook’s Sweet Waffle Kohn if it weren’t so um, phallic . . .