Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » DAMN CYBERSQUATTERS

    Filed at 5:58 pm under by dcobranchi

    Try this:

    Search Google for “cobranchi” and then check out the sponsored link to the right. You might want to click that link one or two (thousand) times just to make sure it works properly. 🙂

    11 Responses to “DAMN CYBERSQUATTERS”

    Comment by
    November 13th, 2007
    at 7:43 pm

    What does clicking do to them, and why does that come up?

    Comment by
    November 13th, 2007
    at 8:38 pm

    I figure they have to pay Google each time the link is clicked. Doesn’t it seem somewhat bizarrely obsessive that they’d have the website ad linked to a search on “cobranchi”?

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    November 14th, 2007
    at 6:42 am

    Lest anyone think I was ego-googling I discovered this little trick on Myspace. I searched for “cobranchi” looking for any mention of my kids. Myspace’s search is “powered by Google” and brings up the same sponsored link.

    Comment by
    November 14th, 2007
    at 10:12 am

    I wonder what she thinks she gains by paying every time somebody clicks on that ad. She really, really is completely and totally clueless.

    Comment by
    November 14th, 2007
    at 1:24 pm

    “Lest anyone think I was ego-googling…”

    Sure Daryl, sure. Just remember, God knows every time you Google yourself.

    Comment by
    November 14th, 2007
    at 11:05 pm

    What’s even more bizarre is that is the ONLY sponsored link…page after page. There is always 3 or 4 with most any other search.

    Anyway…so now that we found detailed directions to your house can we all come to dinner on Sunday? 😉

    Comment by
    November 15th, 2007
    at 12:24 pm

    I think Mimi pretty much is the market for the key word Cobranchi. I’d be shocked if there were any othe buyers!

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    November 15th, 2007
    at 7:21 pm

    Anyway…so now that we found detailed directions to your house can we all come to dinner on Sunday?

    Directions? But if you go to GoogleMaps and enter “cobranchi” you get some very strange results. Evidently Google thinks I’m a politician.

    Comment by
    November 15th, 2007
    at 7:46 pm

    Hmmmm…that’s weird. Googling your name in Images is cool though…all those space photos are nice.

    Are you like the only person named Cobranchi on earth??? 🙂

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    November 15th, 2007
    at 8:26 pm

    The only one with a significant web presence. The family name is bastardized Italian. It used to be Cobianchi. And even that name is relatively uncommon in Italy. But Cobranchi is really uncommon. The entire world’s population consists of my paternal grandmother, my parents, Lydia and me and our four HEKs, my two brothers and their 5 kids. And a distant female cousin who never married.

    Of the nine kids, only three are boys.

    But interestingly we have our own university.

    Comment by
    November 15th, 2007
    at 10:12 pm

    So Cobianchi is Italian for diploma mill? 😉