Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » JANE, YOU IGNORANT SLUT

    Filed at 9:49 am under by dcobranchi

    My local paper, today:

    Demerit: For the political candidates in important races who are ducking debates. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have jousted over holding a debate here in North Carolina, which may be the battleground that settles the Democratic nomination. Clinton was the first to resist. But when she finally agreed to a date and time, Obama turned it down. Gov. Mike Easley and other top North Carolina Democrats have urged Obama to accept an April 27 debate date. But so far, he’s not budging. He should — North Carolina voters deserve one more good look at the candidates.

    My emailed response:

    Why should Obama agree to another so-called debate? It’s obvious that the media don’t take them seriously enough to ask substantive questions. The National Enquirization of your profession is complete.

    4 Responses to “JANE, YOU IGNORANT SLUT”

    Comment by
    April 19th, 2008
    at 11:43 am

    I just made a comment about this on my board–it actually makes Obama look a little better in my eyes because he isn’t pandering to all the bull. Good for him. I don’t want another flipping debate about the same things, I want them to cut to the chase and get on with it. All of these debates are ridiculous.

    Comment by
    April 19th, 2008
    at 2:53 pm

    They’ve already debated 21 times. I think the early debates were more issues focused, but they’ve degenerated into twaddle.

    Comment by
    April 19th, 2008
    at 2:55 pm

    Exactly my point, Don– 21 debates is enough. If you must debate again, focus it in on one or two major issues. Enough of this slanderous b.s. twaddle going around.

    Comment by
    Nance Confer
    April 19th, 2008
    at 6:33 pm

    That would actually be a good idea — if you must debate, focus on healthcare and actually get into the details. Or the war. Or something someone gives a hoot about.
