Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » HEAVEN, I’M IN HEAVEN

    Filed at 8:29 pm under by dcobranchi

    HEAVEN, I’M IN HEAVEN Well, they don’t get too much better than this– a civil liberties and a homeschooling victory in the same article.

    A home schooling family has settled its case against Erie County social workers and Vermilion police for the coerced entry into the family’s home on Feb. 21, 2001…

    Paul and Linda Walsh filed a lawsuit after police and caseworkers entered their home without a warrant and without permission. The social workers said they were acting on an anonymous tip about unspecified “hazards” in the home, and claimed they had a right to enter the home without a warrant.

    Read the whole thing. And, then, click here for a great primer on how to handle the DSS.

    Thanks to Tony R. for the link.

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