Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » THE LAW(YER) IS A

    Filed at 12:53 pm under by dcobranchi

    THE LAW(YER) IS A ASS This has got to be one of the dumber lawsuits- and it’s local. A while back, a teacher at a Catholic high school was fired for putting her name to a pro-choice advertisement. Personally, I think the school was in the right. Abortion is pretty much anathema to the Church. They should (and do) have the right to fire a teacher who publicly disagrees with their teaching. Well, her lawyer disagrees and has filed a lawsuit alleging “pregnancy discrimination.” Yes, you read that correctly.

    The 21-page complaint also alleges that Curay-Cramer’s dismissal based on her abortion rights views violates the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which prohibits firing an employee for having an abortion. The complaint contends that though Curay-Cramer herself didn’t have an abortion, she is entitled to the act’s protections because of her views supporting abortion.

    “It’s a slam-dunk,” Neuberger said of the charges. “There are no exemptions for religious institutions for sexual discrimination.”

    A slam dunk for the school, I’d guess.

    One Response to “THE LAW(YER) IS A”

    Comment by
    June 19th, 2004
    at 8:23 pm

    the lawyer is not an ass rather people ignorant of the law ars asses.
    lawyers merely interprete the law that legislators make.
    i think people who do not have knowlege of the law should be sad