Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » DEAL OF THE DAY

    Filed at 3:54 am under by dcobranchi

    Via Techbargains.com, a color laser printer for $100 AR (which expires tomorrow).

    3 Responses to “DEAL OF THE DAY”

    Comment by
    December 26th, 2008
    at 8:55 am

    Great deal for small offices. For the occasional home user, not so hot… two hundred dollars in toner cartridges just to start off with, plus the cost of the unit. Three hundred dollars adds up to a lot of runs-to-the-copy-shop-to-print-resumes-and-flyers.

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    December 26th, 2008
    at 10:29 am

    It comes with the starter cartridges, but you’re right– laser cartridges can be pricey. I re-fill our B&W cartridge. IIRC, it was about $20 for 250 g and another $6 for the required tool (one time purchase).

    Refill info here.

    Comment by
    December 26th, 2008
    at 10:07 pm

    Great idea. I didn’t know you could get laser toner cartridges refilled at retail. Thanks for the tip!