Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » FEAR AND LOATHING IN HOME ED

    Filed at 8:54 am under by dcobranchi

    JJ has an excellent post up on how fear and poorly-thought-out arguments make home education more vulnerable to interference from the gov’t. Definitely worth a read.

    8 Responses to “FEAR AND LOATHING IN HOME ED”

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    June 13th, 2009
    at 10:01 am

    Thanks for helping to get the word out. We hurt ourselves with homeschool “reasoning” like this new comment at Spunky’s, for example:

    “Not to mention the fact that God gives children to parents, and that means that no one could teach our children better than we could.”

    So children whose parents are dysfunctional, neglectful and outright abusive are right where God wants them? Is that the argument we REALLY want to make, that God intends those children to suffer and intends homeschooling as a mighty shield against any (from a nosy neighbor to the UN) who would help?

    Comment by
    June 13th, 2009
    at 11:40 am

    Better that thousands of children suffer than one fundie child learn that the earth is not 6000 years old.

    Comment by
    JJ Ross
    June 13th, 2009
    at 11:54 am

    It seems we’ve dug our own grave. Moms like that absolutely believe God Said So, to the point that it’s their total “reality” and so there’s no reasoning with them about that or anything else. Hence the not-unreasonable concern they’re raising lots of children the same way, and soon it will be like the Trouble with Tribbles . . . 😉

    Comment by
    June 13th, 2009
    at 2:55 pm

    Small world. Just this a.m. the girls were watching The Gilmore Girls on DVD and I had to explain what Rory’s reference to Tribbles meant.

    Comment by
    June 13th, 2009
    at 5:28 pm

    Power of Story!

    My favorite TNG episode btw, was always Darnok. . literally all about power of story

    Comment by
    June 13th, 2009
    at 6:18 pm

    Or “The Royale.” A novel in a screenplay.

    Comment by
    June 14th, 2009
    at 11:11 am

    “Small world. Just this a.m. the girls were watching The Gilmore Girls on DVD and I had to explain what Rory’s reference to Tribbles meant.”

    Okay, your kids are what, teenagers, and you had to explain the Tribbles reference? This is *exactly* the kind of educational neglect that gives all homeschoolers a bad name. I’m shocked and disappointed, Daryl.

    Comment by
    June 14th, 2009
    at 11:36 am

    Guilty as charged. The girls have never gotten into sci-fi of any flavor. Anthony (17) likes Stargate and Star Trek: Enterprise. But none of the kids have really seen TOS. Around here, they’re rarely on teevee.

    I think I might have to put the DVDs on our Netflix queue.