Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » THEY JUST DON’T GET

    Filed at 9:58 am under by dcobranchi

    THEY JUST DON’T GET IT A Wash Times Op-Ed on the virtues of virtual charters commits the sin of confusing same with homeschooling.

    Cyber schools are now available for anyone who has a computer and a desire to learn. And the much discussed home schooling movement has an educational tool at its disposal that virtually addresses any critique the educational establishment can direct at it…

    When school districts sponsor cyber schools, public money can be used to sustain the program. Conversely, when parents home-school on their own they generally are not eligible for public funds. As a consequence, for-profit entities actively seek out sponsoring school districts to serve as incubators for their products and services.

    Yes, for-profit cyber providers (such as K12) are actively targeting HSers. In some locales, even the school districts are getting into the act. After all, if they can convince a (former) HSer to become a cyber charter student, the school district would then get additional funding. Cyber charters are not HSing. In many states, homeschools are classified as “private” schools. In no state are cyber charters (or any kind of charter) schools “private”.

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