Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » EDITORIAL OF THE DAY

    Filed at 3:31 am under by dcobranchi

    Kudos to the editor of the East Valley (AZ) Tribune:

    With the AIMS test staring the Class of 2006 in the face, you might think the Arizona School Boards Association would have its hands full making sure public school students pass muster. Well, you’d be wrong. Instead, they’re fretting about the welfare of home-schooled children.

    …[I]f our public schools did half the job most home-school parents are doing, Arizona’s academic achievement record would soar and the dropout rate would plummet. District administrators have plenty to do without meddling in an area where they aren’t wanted or needed.

    There’s lots more. Definitely worth a read.

    2 Responses to “EDITORIAL OF THE DAY”

    Comment by
    June 24th, 2005
    at 7:39 am

    Isn’t this a state where there was a recent Child Protective Services debacle that ‘they’ tried to blame on lax homeschooling laws? Something about a girl being held prisoner in her home for a year or so while her father and stepmother claimed to be ‘homeschooling’ her. (Previously when she was in school calls to CPS by teachers were not checked out)

    Comment by
    June 24th, 2005
    at 11:37 am

    Yes, according to AZ papers the grandmother and aunt made five calls to CPS during the time that the child was with the father. The aunt reported behavior that indicated probable abuse.

    CPS did five investigations between 1995 & 2001 and called them “unfounded.”

    Neighbors saw abuse (prior to the child being locked in her room) and didn’t report it.

    Very ugly story.