Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » A JURY OF OUR PEERS

    Filed at 6:26 am under by dcobranchi

    Pending legislation in PA would allow nursing mothers, home educators, and several other groups to opt out of jury duty. I’m generally in favor of having small children home and no daycare arrangements be a legitimate reason to get out of serving. But I’d encourage home educators to serve if they possibly can. We’re a not insignificant part of the community. IOW, we’re somebody’s peers.

    Before enrolling for certifications like HP0-W02, it is ideal to first do 3M0-600. However if thinking about going for 000-062, this is not necessary.

    6 Responses to “A JURY OF OUR PEERS”

    Comment by
    February 12th, 2007
    at 8:18 am

    Given the high level of regulation in PA, I’d prefer the legislators spend their time focusing on other ways to relieve the burden carried by HE’s in the state.

    Comment by
    Andrea R. in Missouri
    February 12th, 2007
    at 10:46 am

    I had to beg off jury duty. Since I am a home educator, I have no child care available to me. If my children were old enough to stay home alone it may have been different. It wasn’t so much the home educating as the lack of child care.

    Comment by
    February 12th, 2007
    at 8:18 pm

    Why on earth put home educators in the legislation? What about parents of kids gettting homebound instruction, of kids home on suspension, of kids home sick? Why not simplify it and just say parents who are the primary caregivers during jury hours for children under 18?

    Comment by
    February 12th, 2007
    at 8:52 pm

    They never pick me, gosh darn it. I’ve been registered to vote for 26 years – called twice – served once.


    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    February 13th, 2007
    at 1:33 am

    Me, too–

    26 years and never even been called.

    Comment by
    February 13th, 2007
    at 8:22 pm

    Here in CT, I’ve been called 4 times and served once since we moved back at the end of 1999. Three of the calls came in the past two years. I got credit for serving on the first of them, and got tapped again 7 and 8 months later.

    For some reason we’ve tended to get called within six months of moving out of state– by the state we moved from. Each time we’ve moved, it’s happened to one or both of us. I think I’m up to being called 7 times lifetime.