Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED

    Filed at 4:55 pm under by dcobranchi

    Montana home educators completely destroyed a bill that would have increased regulations.

    HELENA — The Capitol took on a youthful aspect Monday as students from around the state showed up for hearings on bills dealing with home schooling and compulsory public school attendance.

    Sen. Don Ryan, D-Great Falls, the sponsor of one of those bills, acknowledged the jam-packed Capitol — where well-behaved youngsters packed all the available gallery space, as well as the hallway benches and even the floors — with his wry observation that “This is one of the best lobbies in the state of Montana.”

    Ryan’s bill would require parents who home-school their children to register with their county public school superintendent. Montana’s home-schooling regulations are so loose in that regard that people fleeing custody fights in other states can simply hide out here and claim to be home-schooling their children, he said.

    “I want people to be on record, the next time some little boy or little girl has been hidden away in Montana … to say we think that’s OK,” Ryan said, as he recommended that his own bill be tabled after hearing the extensive opposition to it.


    Despite the hundreds of people visiting the Capitol because of the bill, Sen. Sam Kitzenberg, D-Glasgow, running the hearing in the Senate Education and Cultural Resources Committee, limited testimony to only 15 minutes after hearing that no one had showed up to support the bill.

    When he announced the lack of supporters, a cheer went up from the overflow crowd watching on televisions set up in the hallways. Ryan’s bill was eventually tabled on an 8-1 vote, with Ryan the lone “no” vote.

    I hope NC’s big statewide is paying attention.

    3 Responses to “HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED”

    Comment by
    February 20th, 2007
    at 5:45 pm

    We may get some practice sooner than we wish.


    Durham educrats would like to see the mandatory attendance age boosted from 16 to 18.

    Comment by
    Daryl Cobranchi
    February 20th, 2007
    at 6:02 pm

    ‘Cause it makes so much sense to force a 17-year-old to repeat the 8th grade yet again.

    Comment by
    February 20th, 2007
    at 10:09 pm

    … and Durham is where we should be looking for leadership…
