Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » I CAN’T WAIT

    Filed at 6:51 am under by dcobranchi

    Wife Swap (ewwww!) features a homeschooling family. This 2nd half of a two-parter should be loads of fun. Lydia watched it last week and reported that the HEK was a quiet girl who concentrates her time and energies on ballet. Of course, that meant the new mom got to use the “S” word a lot.

    One Response to “I CAN’T WAIT”

    Comment by
    Karen E
    February 23rd, 2007
    at 10:59 pm

    Socialization is overrated. I tried to watch but couldn’t get through the preview. It made me feel itchy to the point I wanted to boil myself. Ewww.