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  • LOTD

    Filed at 6:43 am under by dcobranchi

    Another Life in Fayetteville moment:

    Homeowners already support county services

    The headline, “Defeat of tax issues may cost taxpayers” on Nov. 8, Page 1B, was erroneous. It should have said “will cost homeowners” instead.

    Pitiful voter turnout can be blamed for this: if every homeowner had voted to approve the minuscule tax that was proposed, we would not only have had record numbers at the polls, but also would have safeguarded one of our highest expenditures.

    It is apparent from recent interviews of deliberately uninformed citizens that all they can spout is “no more taxes.” Property owners realize this is a short-sighted view, will cause property taxes to increase, and cause cuts in social services that we’ll have to pay more for, but rarely use.

    How many homeowners are on Medicaid? I bet most of the voters who defeated this tax are not homeowners, but are beneficiaries of a multitude of free or low-cost services.

    If the thousands of shoppers at Cross Creek Mall on a recent Saturday were any indication, an additional 25 cents on a $100 purchase would not have posed a hardship for any of them. If one can afford the latest designer footwear, cell phone/camera/iPod gadget, one should not oppose paying an extra quarter for them. I would surmise that most of them or their parents are the recipients of various social services (including free or reduced school lunches and Medicaid).

    It is unfortunate that an uninformed minority of citizens has once again dictated what the majority will be forced to do.

    Lisa M. Sheridan

    I voted no, of course.

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